We are often asked about our replica firearms and whether or not they are real, plastic, or otherwise, plus whether or not they are safe. We're happy to say that all of our replica firearms are indeed metal and, for the most part, work and feel like their real counterparts....except for the firing part. None of our replica guns can be made to fire, so they make a safe alternative for any sort of display piece.
Now what about safety? Safety is a relative thing when it comes to any replica weapon. While none of our replica guns can fire anything, they are still metal and therefore have a bit of weight to them, plus they look exactly like the real thing. We always urge everyone to treat weapons, replica or otherwise, as such and not to use them in a way that makes the nightly news.
Can you get one? Yes, you can! Of course, that's a loaded answer because in some parts of the country and in Canada, there are restrictions on what types you can get...yes, even for "fake" guns! Some places even require that replica firearms be shipped with a
display frame. It's always important to be aware of your local laws so that you can purchase with confidence. Once you have finally decided, be sure to check the latest additions of replica firearms in
this website.
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