I get phone calls all the time from folks asking what kind of sword they should get to start a collection and I always tell them there's no default "starter" sword out there. It really comes down to the sword that makes you go "wow"...believe me, that alone can give you a multitude of possibilities if you've never had any type of sword in your hand. But figuring out a type of sword can go a long way to getting you started.
Generally speaking, you can break down swords to a few categories - Medieval, Fantasy, and Samurai. Naturally, there are quite a number of other categories, but when you think about it, the vast majority could fit under any of those three major categories one way or the other. Within those categories, the cost to get in the door can range from less than $100 to $2000 and up. For a new collector just starting out, something between $50-250 is probably a good range to spend on a new sword. There's nothing worse than sinking a huge amount of money into a new hobby only to find out that your interest wanes in a few months; a small investment in a good, inexpensive sword will give you a good taste without a bitter aftertaste.
For a new collector, you're probably going to want to get a stainless steel sword because the care and maintenance on that type of sword is less demanding than that of a carbon steel sword, i.e. stainless doesn't rust. The most common type of starter sword style? From what we've seen, I would have to say
Samurai swords. These types of swords are very popular because many people like to collect the three-piece sets for household decor and also because a lot of us grew up watching kung fu movies that featured Samurai's and Ninja's...that's what I think at least, heh.
Choosing a good starter sword can be a difficult and time consuming process, but if you think carefully about your tastes and what gets your blood pumping, you'll soon find the process gets a lot easier. Make sure to
visit website to view the latest collection of Samurai swords!
Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props