Being a big Lord of the Rings movie series fan, I have all 3 of the special extended edition sets. I tend to watch all three sets over a week every few months without fail. Maybe it's geekie, but I watch every bit of every DVD in the 3 sets. The movies are great, but the REAL gold mine, besides all of the commentaries those films include, is in the hours upon hours of special documentary material that tracks the creation of the LOTR films.
One of the unique things the LOTR films brought to the silver screen is a completely believable set of cultures and weaponry that had to be created from the ground up. Of particular interest are the portions detailing the creation of the swords and armor of the LOTR movies. I can't help but notice that while our Anduril sword may not be fully "functional" like the real thing, it is every bit as beautiful as the one you see in the film. The same could be said for our
Fighting Knives of Legolas, they reflect the very same Elvish details you see in the films. Even the hints of Elvish relation show up on Gandalf's Glamdring; the LOTR world is a real masterpiece that's launched blades and armor of legend.
If you have the extended sets in your DVD collection and have never watched the many hours of documentaries, you're missing a huge portion of the story behind the LOTR films. It's well worth your time to
check them out!
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