I'm fairly certain this has come up before, but I was recently asked by one of our customers what sword would really make a stand out display piece for their home. Surrounded by all sorts of beautiful swords here in the office, it's really hard to narrow that sort of thing down to one or two, but let me take a swing at what I think are great pieces.
Let's first talk about the type of blade you should have for a display sword. Generally, there are carbon steel swords and stainless steel swords. If you're going for a pure display piece, we recommend a sword constructed with stainless steel. The reasons are simple...care and maintenance. Stainless steel blades require considerably less upkeep than their generally more practical carbon steel brothers, usually a wipe with a soft cloth takes care of most problems. Carbon steel swords, on the other hand, require regular maintenance in order to keep them free of rust. That's not to say that either one is better than the other, but if you're the type of person who likes to "set it and forget it", then stainless is the way to go.
The next determining factor is the overall styling of your home. Obviously, if your home has any sort of Oriental styling, then a
Samurai Sword set would be the way to go. Even a single Katana blade with a stylishly designed stand would be perfect. Cabinets or hallway chests seem to be the most popular resting places for Oriental displays.
A more common styling for the home means Medieval Swords or even some of the Fantasy Swords would work best. Probably one of our more popular display swords is the Black & Gold King Solomon Sword because it's large, detailed, brightly colored and great looking. Another one of my favorites is the Freemason Masonic Sword; a sword popular for it's slim, but intricate design. Both of the swords come with a nice looking display plaque, which brings to mind another factor to look for....the plaque. Getting a sword that includes the plaque ensures that you'll have something that's matched to the dimensions of your sword...not too mention it saves you the pain of finding one that'll look right. Of course, you can always go with a floor/table stand for your sword, but it seems like European swords just look better hanging from a wall. I guess it must be all those films and images we have of knights and castles that create that feeling.
The key point in any display is to just have fun with it!
Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props