Where can you find an exceptional lineup of great looking Replica Guns? Right here at
Replica Dungeon of course! We feature beautiful reproductions of real life western legends that are highly detailed and great for personal collections, stage props, or cinematic productions. In addition, we also offer
WW2 Weapons, that are exquisitely crafted.
Western Pistols are by far the most popular Replica Gun genre, nearly equaling swords on our site. These metal replicas are perfect for gun collectors or those who just don't have quite enough room for a sword, but want to have some sort of weaponry on display. None of them can be made to fire anything, so our replicas are the perfect answer if you're concerned about safety. In addition, we offer stands, holsters, and replica bullets to complete your collection. So what are you waiting for? Get your collection started today!
Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props