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Medieval Weapons - Medieval Armor - Medieval Helmets

Thursday, February 28
I get phone calls all the time from folks asking what kind of sword they should get to start a collection and I always tell them there's no default "starter" sword out there. It really comes down to the sword that makes you go "wow"...believe me, that alone can give you a multitude of possibilities if you've never had any type of sword in your hand. But figuring out a type of sword can go a long way to getting you started.

Generally speaking, you can break down swords to a few categories - Medieval, Fantasy, and Samurai. Naturally, there are quite a number of other categories, but when you think about it, the vast majority could fit under any of those three major categories one way or the other. Within those categories, the cost to get in the door can range from less than $100 to $2000 and up. For a new collector just starting out, something between $50-250 is probably a good range to spend on a new sword. There's nothing worse than sinking a huge amount of money into a new hobby only to find out that your interest wanes in a few months; a small investment in a good, inexpensive sword will give you a good taste without a bitter aftertaste.

For a new collector, you're probably going to want to get a stainless steel sword because the care and maintenance on that type of sword is less demanding than that of a carbon steel sword, i.e. stainless doesn't rust. The most common type of starter sword style? From what we've seen, I would have to say Samurai swords. These types of swords are very popular because many people like to collect the three-piece sets for household decor and also because a lot of us grew up watching kung fu movies that featured Samurai's and Ninja's...that's what I think at least, heh.

Choosing a good starter sword can be a difficult and time consuming process, but if you think carefully about your tastes and what gets your blood pumping, you'll soon find the process gets a lot easier. Make sure to visit website to view the latest collection of Samurai swords!

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Wednesday, February 27
You know we specialize in Swords and Weapons, but did you know that we also have a huge selection of Gothic Jewelry? Having all of the weaponry and armor is important; however, going a step further and adding the little details, such as appropriate jewelry can go a long way to completing the look you're going for.

Well, as the title says, we had an explosion of coolness today as we added nearly 180 new Medieval Pendants! We can now offer you nearly every conceivable style and theme available. Spiders, skulls, bats, unicorns, dragons, jewels; you'll probably find it! Since all of our Medieval/Gothic jewelry is handcrafted in London, it still takes a little while to get it over here to the States, but once you receive one of these pendants, you'll be impressed by the quality.

Gothic jewelry holds many different meanings for folks, some view it as "weird" or some sort of holdover from high school rebel days, while others see something deeper. In reality, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that it strikes a chord with you and whatever you're into. We're happy to be able to offer these pendants to you, check here! As always, stay tuned, we have many more tricks up our sleeves...

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Tuesday, February 26

Polyresins are a fantastic material for creating all sorts of products, from picture frames and artwork, to vases and tabletop protectors. With mold-making abilities, variable color choices, durability, and the ability to take surface painting, polyresins have exploded in popularity within both industrial and household uses.

One of the more exciting uses of polyresin comes in the form of miniatures or furnishings depicting almost anything imaginable with extremely high detail. The durability inherent in polyresins makes miniatures nearly indestructible when compared to porcelain and ceramics. Chipping the nose on a priceless figurine becomes a more remote possibility with polyresins.

One great example of what's possible with polyresins would be our Crusaders Bookends. These polyresin bookends are prime examples of excellent detail and exceptional hand painting, with the folds of the knight's tunic appearing to flow smoothly over his armor, which has been delicately highlighted with paint. These are really fine pieces that demonstrate one of the more popular uses of polyresin!

Polyresins are by no means restricted to the small stuff either; they can be functional devices in our home. Take our Dragon Glass Top Table, it's a fully functional 2 foot tall table with a striking dragon design as its base. The possibilities presented by polyresins are nearly endless! Be sure to visit website to get updated always!

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Monday, February 25

I've talked about it many times in the past, but having a sword on display is just plain cool and a neat way to introduce a conversation piece that's a bit different than the traditional coffee table book. Generally, Medieval Swords tend to dominate the decorating tastes of most people, but let's not forget about the wonderful world of Fantasy Swords.

Sometimes fanciful and completely impractical, fantasy swords provide a unique alternative to the standard historical fare. Many of these swords really don't stray too far from the design basics found in their Medieval brethren, making them easy to blend in with any decor or personal taste. Take our Dragon Fantasy Sword, for example; it's a really beautiful 42" sword that features a hidden dagger in its pommel. The design of the sword is pure fantasy and yet it stays close enough to standard designs to make it an attractive alternative.

Taking a step away towards the more fanciful variety is the Dragon Lord Fantasy Sword, a great looking 40" blade that has both an unusual guard and an added arrowhead-style tip blade. I can't picture going to battle with this sword as that arrowhead tip would likely make the sword a permanent fixture in whatever it was stabbed into, but it's a fun sword for the collection nonetheless.

The varieties of fantasy swords are nearly endless and some of them approach a "work of art" status. In any case, the fantasy realm provides the avid collector with an avenue away from the usual. We here at Replica Dungeon will always keep an eye out for great looking fantasy swords, so be sure to peruse our selection might just find your fantasy!

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Thursday, February 21

The weekend is quickly approaching, but we're not slowing down on bringing you more replica goodness! We've added a few new Replica Western Pistols to the site today to include a number of framed pistol sets and Doc Holliday's Gambler Box. Doc's box is a pretty neat display of his pleasures and represents one of the better known personalities of the Old West. I think we're getting pretty close to having a complete sample of replica firearms from all of the big name Wild West legends. Ah, our work never ceases!

Be sure to keep your eye on Replica Dungeon, we've got some cool things coming up that we're sure you'll enjoy! I seem to recall that at the beginning of the year, we promised to bring you a lot of new things and we're looking forward to following up on that in a big way!

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Tuesday, February 19

Film inspires many of the replica swords and weapons you can find on Replica Dungeon and we thought it was appropriate to complete the circle, so to speak, with the introduction of authentic Movie Posters to our website! Naturally we're going to focus on the movies that brought us so many great replicas such as our Lord of the Rings and Eragon swords, allowing you to complete that shrine you're building for your favorite movie hero!

With many different sizes, none too small, we're sure you'll find the perfect complement to your home theater or replica movie prop collection. We also offer all the usual accessories to help you get your poster positioned where you can enjoy it the most!

Grab an artful piece of your favorite film today with a Replica Dungeon movie poster!

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Friday, February 15

I'm fairly certain this has come up before, but I was recently asked by one of our customers what sword would really make a stand out display piece for their home. Surrounded by all sorts of beautiful swords here in the office, it's really hard to narrow that sort of thing down to one or two, but let me take a swing at what I think are great pieces.

Let's first talk about the type of blade you should have for a display sword. Generally, there are carbon steel swords and stainless steel swords. If you're going for a pure display piece, we recommend a sword constructed with stainless steel. The reasons are and maintenance. Stainless steel blades require considerably less upkeep than their generally more practical carbon steel brothers, usually a wipe with a soft cloth takes care of most problems. Carbon steel swords, on the other hand, require regular maintenance in order to keep them free of rust. That's not to say that either one is better than the other, but if you're the type of person who likes to "set it and forget it", then stainless is the way to go.

The next determining factor is the overall styling of your home. Obviously, if your home has any sort of Oriental styling, then a Samurai Sword set would be the way to go. Even a single Katana blade with a stylishly designed stand would be perfect. Cabinets or hallway chests seem to be the most popular resting places for Oriental displays.

A more common styling for the home means Medieval Swords or even some of the Fantasy Swords would work best. Probably one of our more popular display swords is the Black & Gold King Solomon Sword because it's large, detailed, brightly colored and great looking. Another one of my favorites is the Freemason Masonic Sword; a sword popular for it's slim, but intricate design. Both of the swords come with a nice looking display plaque, which brings to mind another factor to look for....the plaque. Getting a sword that includes the plaque ensures that you'll have something that's matched to the dimensions of your sword...not too mention it saves you the pain of finding one that'll look right. Of course, you can always go with a floor/table stand for your sword, but it seems like European swords just look better hanging from a wall. I guess it must be all those films and images we have of knights and castles that create that feeling.

The key point in any display is to just have fun with it!

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Wednesday, February 13

Being a big Lord of the Rings movie series fan, I have all 3 of the special extended edition sets. I tend to watch all three sets over a week every few months without fail. Maybe it's geekie, but I watch every bit of every DVD in the 3 sets. The movies are great, but the REAL gold mine, besides all of the commentaries those films include, is in the hours upon hours of special documentary material that tracks the creation of the LOTR films.

One of the unique things the LOTR films brought to the silver screen is a completely believable set of cultures and weaponry that had to be created from the ground up. Of particular interest are the portions detailing the creation of the swords and armor of the LOTR movies. I can't help but notice that while our Anduril sword may not be fully "functional" like the real thing, it is every bit as beautiful as the one you see in the film. The same could be said for our Fighting Knives of Legolas, they reflect the very same Elvish details you see in the films. Even the hints of Elvish relation show up on Gandalf's Glamdring; the LOTR world is a real masterpiece that's launched blades and armor of legend.

If you have the extended sets in your DVD collection and have never watched the many hours of documentaries, you're missing a huge portion of the story behind the LOTR films. It's well worth your time to check them out!

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Friday, February 8

Want to impress your friends? Replica Dungeon has the perfect answer - a huge sword! We have a number of great looking swords over 50" long that will make jaws drop and eyes turn into saucers! First in our list of big swords is the LOTR Anduril - Flame of the West. This legendary and beautiful sword from the LOTR series is a huge 52 7/8" long! Next in the list is Eragon the Sword of Zar'roc; this beautiful blade just gets over the huge mark with a length of 51". Stepping into the Samurai world, we have an absolute monster in the Black Odachi Katana! The blade alone of this gorgeous katana measures 50" long, but with an 18" handle, this giant stands tall among other swords at 68"!

Any of the swords and weapons at Replica Dungeon will impress your friends, but who can deny that big blades really bring the wow factor to any conversation! Get yours today!

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Wednesday, February 6

Well, it's hump day and it's turning out to be one of the hottest days on record here in Rocky Mount...nearly 80 and it's only February! Of course, we're supposed to freeze again this weekend, so it's only a brief respite. Anyway, while it's hot outside, we've been working up a sweat to bring you more and more neat stuff at Replica Dungeon!

G.I. Joe returns to the Dungeon's halls today, by popular request, as we've brought back the Limited Edition Sword of Storm Shadow and the Sword of Snake Eyes swords. Any G.I. Joe fan would love these swords; high quality and beautiful! Stocks are tight, so be sure to snatch one up before they're gone forever!

Speaking of G.I. Joe, we've also rolled out our own video showing off one of the series of official Rambo knives. We can't keep enough of these things in stock! They leave as soon as they arrive, but we managed to capture one just long enough to show you what it looks like! Check out our video below:

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Tuesday, February 5

Remember back when you were a kid and had nothing to do? Where I grew up, we were four miles away from the nearest paved highway and my friends were even further away. To top it off, parental transportation was usually not a useful option to a kid who liked to sleep in late. Boredom reigned supreme during the summers as my brother and I tried to come up with something new and fresh each day.

Well, today, kids have tons of options available to them. I know more than a few folks my age that gripe and moan about the "luxuries" available to kids today that they wish they had when they were growing up. It's fair to say that many of the neato things for kids these days involve a keyboard, joystick, or cell phone; with precious few exceptions, these things leave out one of the most important requirements for children, exercise! Bring back the exercise component in a fun way with one of our Kids LARP swords and weapons, view here!

LARP stands for Live-Action-Role-Playing and our selection of LARP toys are the perfect way to allow kids to recreate legendary battles of old without the legendary bloodshed! Kids can work up quite a sweat with battle play versus their friends with such weapons as the 300 Spartan Sword or the Barbarian Axe. With a fiberglass core surrounded by soft foam coated in latex, our durable LARP weapons can take the abuse and are an excellent way to get the kids out of the house for a few hours of relatively safe exercise! Give your kids a fun distraction today!

Want to see what LARP weapons are like? Watch our video below!

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Monday, February 4
Did you know that Replica Dungeon not only has "display" swords, but also has full-on, full-contact swords? We have a huge selection of swords that are absolutely perfect for contact-less practice or for pure display purposes such as our Lord of the Rings swords. We also have such well known brands as Cold Steel and CAS Hanwei, swords that, for the most part, are made for full-on use.

Replica Dungeon continues to add new full contact weapons everyday, visit site to view them; we want to be your number one source for swords!

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Friday, February 1

Valentines, a day for lovers to swap sweet nothings and small gifts in expression of their love. It's coming in just a few short days! The "modern" version of Valentines Day got it's start during the early 15th Century when a young French Duke, who was being held captive after a battle, started writing endless numbers of love poems to his wife. Apparently, some of these poems still exist in the British Museum. Around 200 years later, flowers started making their appearance during Valentines. Heart-shaped chocolates and gift cards soon followed...bringing us into the present day. My history is extremely abbreviated, but you get the idea.

We here at Replica Dungeon wanted to do something special for you and yours this Valentines Day...something with a twist, so we've put together the perfect gifts for the man or woman in your life. These are gifts that won't melt in the sun, but may melt your partner's heart. Naturally, the ladies come first, so we'd like to introduce our Bouquet of Black Roses and Heart Pendant. This beautiful display is made up of a synthetic black rose topped by an exquisite Death of a Vampire heart pendant. For the men, we offer two choices that each come with a single black synthetic rose: Mini Medieval Sword & Black Rose and the Mini Pirate Sword & Black Rose. Both of these gifts are nicely detailed sword letter openers that look exactly like their real-size counterparts.

Break from the default heart-shaped box of "mystery" chocolates and get something truly unique for your love this year; express yourself with Replica Dungeon's Valentines Day Gifts and bring a smile to your love's face. Hurry up though, supplies are limited!

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"My brothers 40th birthday party was last Sat and the sword was a hit!" Read more...