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Movie Collectibles - Movie Props - Movie Replicas

Thursday, June 21

You may have noticed that we added Google Checkout to our store a few days ago. You may also have noticed that we took down Google Checkout yesterday. Why you ask? Well, apparently having Google Checkout violates the TOS with Yahoo! Stores. This was a weird situation because if you called Yahoo! technical support, the canned answer was always "We have seen it being used on other larger Yahoo! stores so it must be OK to do." which is dead wrong. I gave a call to a good friend of mine at and had them do some investigation for me. After a few hours I got a phone call back and they went way high on the Yahoo! store ladder and found that it is indeed a big no no for Yahoo! store owners to have Google Checkout on their websites. Now it appears that the higher ups are having meetings ASAP to get the word down to the lower first line channels. So, we apologize for this inconvenience and hope there is a future plan for integration. In the meantime, if you would like it purchase a sword from Replica Dungeon via Google Checkout, just contact us directly and we can arrange an invoice.

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