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Movie Collectibles - Movie Props - Movie Replicas

Monday, April 14

We've been working hard to give you a wide variety of Replica Swords and fully functional swords to choose from and we thought it was a good time to give you a little insight on what happens behind the scenes at Replica Dungeon when it comes to quality.

One look at our website and you'll know that we offer a lot more than just Replica Swords, but let's face it, we were born by the sword, so to speak. Probably one of the more difficult questions we face each day is what swords should we offer. Do we put this one online or that one? Or both? One part of that answer lies with our customers and fans through emails and phone calls. We get a TON of email everyday asking for this or that; some are good, some are not so good. Yes, we do listen! Another part comes from our own personal thoughts on the blade(s) under consideration. Is it cool? Would it appeal to enough folks? Is it built halfway decent? That last question is key.

It should come as no surprise that quality comes up a lot in our considerations. The Replica Sword industry is awash in swords of varying quality. From "toy" quality to high-end functional swords, it's all out there and wading through it all can be a real challenge at times. For us, we try hard to find good quality replicas because at the end of the day, they're not going to give you problems down the road. That being said, we do have some blades that we aren't really fond of, but they either fill a void or they're popular, warts and all. That's part of the reason we try to use a quality rating guide on as many of our replica swords as possible, but given that personal tastes and requirements vary, it's not a system without its flaws. Additionally, manufacturers can be all over the map with consistency for some blades making any rating system, even user-driven ratings, somewhat moot. Quality is one of those facets of the business we work on each and every day to maintain.

Check back with us in the future for even more behind the scenes peeks!

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