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Medieval Weapons - Medieval Armor - Medieval Helmets

Thursday, August 30

Replica Dungeon is proud to announce our partnership with The Mountain! We now have a large assortment of fantasy t-shirts with exquisite details of dragons and wizards and even pirates! These T's are not something you will find in a normal clothing outlet which makes them extremely unique and a perfect medieval gift for your fantasy lover.

These top quality, pre-washed, pre-shrunk, 100% cotton T's are printed with a process that dyes the actual fabric rather than just printing on top which leaves a plastic coating. Because of this process, these T's are extremely soft and our artists are able to produce amazing detail unlike any other fantasy T-shirt. Chemical free and made in the USA!

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Monday, August 27
Halloween is just around the corner and I suspect that there will be a ton of Spartans running around this year on fright night and justly so. I mean the movie "300" was only the best movie of the year and what guy does not want to pretend he is the King Leonidas or one of his 300 Spartan warriors. You saw the movie, these guys were built like no other so you know for a fact that on Halloween night there is going to be at least one fat guy in a Spartan cape carrying a Spartan sword and holding a Spartan shield and I cannot wait. If you happen to be out on Halloween, in the clubs, at a party or maybe your downtown "college" block party and see a sight such as this...please take a picture and send it to us! I promise I will make it worth your while. In the meantime, visit here early and get your Spartan costumes and accessories together before supplies run out.

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Thursday, August 23
Edged weapons have been a part of our history for as long as records have been kept. In fact, some of the earliest tools used by primitive man were sharpened pieces of stone.

Swords and knives have played a significant role in every major civilization. Even in today's modern society, swords are used in many of the most important military or state ceremonies and functions. Think about the commercials for the U.S. Marine Corps and how they focus on the Marine saber, or the knighting ceremony performed by the Queen of England where a sword is used to touch the shoulders of the knighted individual.

The earliest known swords were made from copper, one of the most common metals available. Copper swords were very soft and dulled quickly. Later on, swords were made from bronze. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. An alloy is a mixture of two or more base metals or elements to create another metal with certain specific properties. In the case of bronze, the combination of copper and tin created a metal that is:

Stronger than copper
More flexible than copper
Stays sharp for longer than copper

A better sword was developed with the advent of iron. Iron ore was easily found in every part of the ancient world. Iron ore contains iron combined with oxygen. To make iron from iron ore, you need to eliminate the oxygen to create pure iron. The most primitive facility used to refine iron from iron ore is called a bloomery.

In a bloomery you burn charcoal with iron ore and a good supply of oxygen (provided by a bellows or blower). Charcoal is essentially pure carbon. The carbon combines with oxygen to create carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide (releasing lots of heat in the process). Carbon and carbon monoxide combine with the oxygen in the iron ore and carry it away, leaving a porous, sponge-like mass called a bloom. The bloom was then hammered to remove most of the impurities. The resulting metal was easy to work with, but iron swords did not hold an edge well and were still too soft.

Iron became the metal of choice for swords and other weapons, and helped forge new empires. Both iron and bronze weapons and tools made an incredible impact on the balance of power during the eras of their respective prominence. In fact, those periods of history are now known as the Iron Age and the Bronze Age.

Eventually, steel was discovered. Steel is an alloy of iron (ferrite) and a small amount of carbon (cementite), usually between 0.2 and 1.5 percent. Steel was originally made using a process called cementation. Pieces of iron were placed inside of a container made from a substance with a very high carbon content. The container was placed in a furnace and kept at a high temperature for a length of time that could range from hours to days. During this time, carbon migration would occur, which means the iron would absorb some of the carbon from the container. The resulting mixture of iron and carbon was steel. Visit here and check out the latest swords added to our collection.

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Tuesday, August 21
Ok so any movie trailer that starts off with anything that says "Middle Earth", you know its gonna be awesome! If you have not seen the trailer, I have linked it below. It looks like its gonna be really cool. Epic journey, talking Polar Bears that kick ass and of course swords! Can it get any better? Enjoy the trailer and then don't forget to visit our site for the latest selection of swords...

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Monday, August 20
We are proud to announce that we have some of the best Lord of the Rings replica swords on the market today, click here to view them. I know its been a few years since the best movie of all time was released but the LOTR weapons are still some of the most sought after collectors pieces on the market. From the Minas Tirith to the Battle of Pelennor Fields to Helm's Deep, our Lord of the Rings sword collection has something for all fans and budget. We have some cheap swords for the thrifty shoppers and we have the expensive authentic replicas backed by New Line Cinema.

If you plan on taking a tour of Edoras you must visit the capital city of Rohan. From there you can travel to Rivendell but be careful as you pass through Weathertop as you are sure to encounter the Ringwraiths. If you are lucky enough to take one down, you can take home one of the Ringwraith swords as a trophy. Afterwards, you can rest easy at Bree and drink an ale at the Prancing Pony before you finally make it to Hobbiton. The Sting sword is always on display in the middle of Bag End.

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Friday, August 17
So what exactly is a Blunderbuss pistol? Basically, its a muzzle loading firearm with a trumpet looking barrel. It shoots lead pellets that spreads out when fired. This is actually how we discovered the modern shotgun. A blunderbuss was the first "shotgun" of its time. Most of the blunderbuss weapons are mid sized meaning they are smaller than a rifle but larger than a pistol. We carry a few blunderbuss pistols including this British replica blunderbuss. Most people confuse the flintlock pistols with a blunderbuss but they are two very separate items. A flintlock replica fires a single round ball at a time while the blunderbuss has the capability of delivering several pellets in 1 single trigger pull. Just note the flaired end of the barrel when purchasing a quality replica blunderbuss pistol from Replica Dungeon.

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Wednesday, August 15
We just added what is sure to be the hottest Halloween costumes of the year. That's right, we have the 300 Spartan costumes and 300 Immortal costume ready for pre-order. These items are in such high demand, we have decided to go ahead and offer these items now to make sure you get you costume in time for the upcoming holiday. The estimated arrival date for these Spartan Halloween costumes is mid September. That means, we should get our shipment a week after that. This will put your shipment at your door step no later than October 1st. That is perfect timing for your party, college function or costume contest.

I think local theatres around the country will also soon be premiering plays and theatricals based on Frank Miller's grahic novel of the 300 Spartans that took on the juggernaut Persian army. These costumes would make perfect attire for any stage play or reenactment and you know you are bound to see a Spartan warrior in uniform at the local Renaissance Fair this fall.

Anyway, just wanted to take a minute to let you know whats going on here at Replica Dungeon so you can make your Halloween plans early enough to transform yourself into a mighty Spartan warrior. Don't forget the plastic Spartan sword or shield to complete your costume. If you dare choose to be an Immortal, we have the latex hands to make your costume as authentic as possible. Protect your neighborhood or defend your girlfriends honor in one of these officially licensed 300 costumes.

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Monday, August 13
I gotta tell ya, I was flipping through the TV channels this weekend and caught a movie called "The Blood of Heroes". Don't ask me why I was still up at 2am on a Saturday night, but I was. If you didn't notice, we completely changed the navigation of the site and included categories which should make it easier for everyone to navigate without getting lost. Anyway, I started watching this movie and honestly could not stop. Its an old movie with no special effects and it all takes place in a barren desert type land and inside an underground coliseum but the battle scenes were just awesome! These are real gladiators and they used real medieval weapons. When I say medieval weapons, I mean some serious crude handmade weapons here. In the movie, its like fair game...anything goes. The way these warriors used these spiked club maces and flails were amazing. I have seen movies that spilled blood and guts but this movie wins 4 stars for the shear amount of flesh just torn away from the bone. If this was how it was in medieval times, I am glad I live in the modern world with modern weapons. If you get a chance, I highly recommend you rent this movie and when you get done, come on back and visit our site for some medieval weapons for your collection.

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Wednesday, August 8
It is possible to look good while wearing a medieval helmet. The picture shown here proves it. Medieval helmets have been around for years and years. A medieval helmet worn by knights was meant to protect them during battle of course but they also were a form of personalization and character. Some knights helmets have large eye holes, some very tight eye slits. Some knight helmets have large face guards that go up and down and some flip open. I have seen medieval helmets with horns and wings and unique engravings. The knights helmet was also used as an identifier among the soldiers. Its a lot easier to spot and kill the man that has a different helmet than yours and your comrades in the heat of battle. Regardless of the kingdom or leader, all medieval combatants wore a medieval helmet of some sort. Replica Dungeon carries some of the best quality, wearable helmets on the market. Check out our selection and I am sure you will find something that fits your own style and personality.

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Monday, August 6
Ever wonder if medieval knights used to cut their sandwiches with swords instead of a knife? Or do you think barbarian and viking warriors would sit on their shields and sled down a snowy hill? Surely things like this happened. I mean there is only so much jousting and sword fighting going on. No books, no music, no TV...just drinking and fighting, sex and politics but you know there had to be some crazy stuff going on. Can you imagine a knight looking at buddy and saying "I bet you won't pee in Titus' helmet" I wish sometimes that I could go back and see what these medieval men did to pass the time. In the meantime, the only thing we can do at Replica Dungeon is carry the finest medieval swords and weapons money can buy. We hope you enjoy your visit and find something that meets your tastes. Buy a knight helmet or shield to wear at the next Renaissance Faire or just to turn to your den into a castle.

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Saturday, August 4
We need your opinion. We just added a new poll to the site and would like to have your input as we continue to strive to be the best sword site on the web. No strings attached, no signups needed, just your humble opinion.

We are in the process of putting together our 2008 catalog and would like to know what you want us to stock. Do you want more swords? Maybe a larger arrangement of battle axes or medieval weapons.

Perhaps you would like more unique gifts like wall banners, medieval jewelry or collectible statues. As always we will continue to stock the best in movie props and replicas but you can help us make our site even better.

Thanks for your participation. Go take the poll!

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Thursday, August 2
What is the facination with wands? Before Harry Potter and the other wizards (Dumbledore, Hermione, Ron, Professor Snape, etc) brought out their wands, did everyone have this need to buy a wand online? Wands, according to history, were typically made from wood or ivory and metals and were used for ceremonial rituals associated with magic but today our fixation on wands is mostly due to a fictional character named Harry Potter.

Were there real wands before Potter? Wands have been featured in many fictional and fantasy works and the purpose of wands vary greatly. In almost all cases, only wizards and warlocks and other casters of magic carried wands. The only counterpart for a wand is the staff. Both are used to give the wizard the same magical powers but the staff sends quite a different effect for the wizard. In fantasy fiction, a staff is used to give the character a more serious or powerful image. A perfect example of this were the staffs used by Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings triology. This is definitely not the case in any of the Harry Potter we are all aware. I would take Dumbledore or Mad Eye Moody with their wands in a battle vs Gandalf any day of the week!

Of course their are other magical arenas in which you might see a wand being used. Musical conductors use a wand on their podiums when conducting the orchestra and stage magicians use a wand sometimes for misdirection but these uses of a wand are just plain boring.

The last and probably the most popular usage of a real or magical wand is that of video game characters and role playing games. Wands are used to cast spells, dispell magic, portals and a myriad of other abilities. All in all, wands are just cool now thanks to the younger hipper Potter and his amazing way bringing us all into his world.

Replica Dungeon only features Harry Potter wands in our online catalog, at this time, and they are truly works of art. Made from solid oak, all of these replica wands are big time collectors pieces and will bring joy to all those that dare to become a magic caster. Beware, we are not responsible for any magical spells that may be cast with any of our collectible wands. ;-p

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Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props

Wednesday, August 1
Its been a few months since I watched the film 300 at the IMAX but last night, after picking up my copy of 300 on DVD at the local Wal-Mart, I was impressed beyond belief yet again. This is without a doubt a real man's movie. I think men across America breathed deeply last night and took a bigger share of the covers. I could feel the testosterone in the air. Ahhh, the might Spartans fought a good fight.

The good news is that we just added probably two of the coolest 300 movie collectibles ever seen. This authentic 300 Spartan sword is forged from carbon steel and sharpened to a razors edge. The brown leather wrapped handle is tight and makes a perfect grip. Add in the custom wooden display wall plaque and you have an amazing 300 replica to showcase in your home or office. The authentic spartan shield from Frank Miller's 300 is also one of the best I have seen to date. At 14 lbs and cast from aluminum with a comfortable rubber backing and fully functional, this Spartan shield is at a price anyone can afford.

The best part of it all...we are giving you $10.00 OFF if you purchase both the sword and shield together! Yes, you may send us thank you emails and write about us on your site or blog and tell all your friends how fantastic Replica Dungeon is... we don't mind. Better get your 300 movie prop replicas soon though, these items will definitely not last long. This promotion will end soon and is only available with item #'s KA-SS and KA-SH and must be ordered at the same time. During checkout, simply add the coupon code LEO and the cart will subtract 10 bucks!

Just another way of saying thank you for shopping swords, armor and movie collectibles at Replica Dungeon.

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