From the staff here at Replica Dungeon, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! It's been an extremely busy and hectic holiday season, but the next year promises even more excitement! Our quest to be your number one source for Swords and Weapons continues and we plan to bring you some great Movie Prop Replicas and other fine blades throughout the coming year.
Speaking of
Movie Prop Replicas, did you know that we just got our first shipment of Hellboy 2 Swords and Spears? These weapons arrived this past Monday and look absolutely fantastic! Both the sword or spear include Princess Nuada's dagger as a special bonus that we're sure will only last a short time. We expect that we're seeing just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cool stuff coming out for 2009!
The Christmas season is quickly approaching its conclusion and it will be time to start fresh. Look to Replica Dungeon to bring you the best, most affordable swords and weapons available with a splash of great customer service to boot. Have a safe holiday season and come back to
Replica Dungeon often to check out the great weapons we have to offer.
Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props