We have a ton of weaponry here in the dungeon, offering nearly endless options for the serious and casual collector. Some of the most popular products we offer come from our vast collection of Replica Guns. Spanning just about every era, we offer you a great selection of firearms that are suitable for just about anything short of actually firing bullets.
Yep, that's right, we do not offer any firearms that are capable of launching a chunk of lead downrange, instead we have non-firing replica guns that give you the feeling of the real things, but without the more obvious safety issues that come with real firearms. All of our firearms are made from metal and feature realistic actions, some are even complex enough to give a gunsmith a fun time. Our pistols and rifles are great for just about any use; if you watched the movie "Wanted" that came out in June of this year, you witnessed at least one of our pistols in action.
We break our replica guns down to a few different categories to make it easier for

you to zero in on what you're looking for. Our newest category is Colonial Weapons, but we also offer sections dedicated to Flintlock Pistols, Western Pistols, Western Rifles, WW2 Weapons, and
Blank Firing Guns. Not only will you find some great firearms, but in many cases we also offer you accessories appropriate to the period or type of gun in each section.
There's really no better conversation piece, no better accessory for your costume, and no better prop for your movie than one of our great looking replica guns. If you're looking for a replica firearm from our huge selection, just remember that there are some parts of the country that restrict what you're allowed to have; we list the basic restrictions that we're aware of, but ultimately, it's up to you to know. Furthermore, none of our firearms can be shipped out of the country. But don't let that stop you from taking a look at our ever-expanding selection; get yours today from
Replica Dungeon!
Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props