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Movie Collectibles - Movie Props - Movie Replicas

Sunday, December 16

The Christmas shopping season is going into its last full week and, so far, it's been a great year! Sure, there's been some supply squeezes and outages, but on the whole, we've managed get everyone's shopping list taken care of. We want to ensure smiling faces on Christmas morning!

So what items are the most popular at Replica Dungeon this year? Well, everybody and their brother has a top 5 or 10 list and guess what....we do too! Here's the top 5 gifts that have flown off our virtual shelves:

  1. 300 King Leonidas Spartan Sword: This is the undisputed champion this year. This battle worn 300 sword is the perfect compliment to any costume or display; it's sliced its way to the top of our list.
  2. Eragon the Sword of Zar'roc: A beautiful and HUGE sword that's drawn more than a few ooh's and ahh's from our customers.
  3. Harry Potter Wand: Perhaps by spell or by magic, this wizard's wand has consistently held a top position ever since we started offering them.
  4. 300 King Leonidas Spartan Shield: While most every warrior needs a sword, apparently not all require a shield. Nevertheless, this popular movie replica shield stayed close to it's mate in the top 5.
  5. Eragon Mini Sword Set: I can picture desktops and living room shelves taking up arms judging by how popular these little guys have been! A nice set of mini swords to be sure!

As you may have noticed the movie 300 and Eragon rule the roost, but Dumbledore's young wizard is managing to hang on. Thanks for choosing Replica Dungeon for your unique holiday gift needs!

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"My brothers 40th birthday party was last Sat and the sword was a hit!" Read more...