Medieval Weapons - Medieval Armor - Medieval Helmets
Thursday, March 26

These days, it's hard to find someone who doesn't know about the world of Zelda in some way. Launched way back in 1986, the popular video game series has enjoyed an extraordinarily long life and many twists and turns while tracking Link, the hero character. If you've ever owned a Nintendo gaming rig or know someone who does, then it's safe to say you've heard of Link and his adventures. If you're a serious fan, it's time to bring the game to reality by checking out some of the great Zelda Swords and gear that's available.
Though not necessarily blades of exacting quality or precision, Zelda swords are a fun way to bring the video game to life in a fanciful fashion. Aimed squarely at the younger generation, these weapons give kids a great way to get outside and recreate their fantasies of taking on the role of Link while slaying dragons, looting riches, and perhaps facing ole Ganon himself. Considering the difficulty in obtaining some other popular video game weaponry, these swords make for an excellent choice.
Our selection of master Zelda swords offers you some variety both in pricing, construction, and configuration. The most popular and most accurate equipment are the Link's Master Sword and the
Link's Hyrule Crest Shield. If you're going for the most realism, those two pieces are the way to go as they feature details and construction that are superior to the others. If you're shopping for a young child, then the wooden variants we offer will probably work best as they give you an added margin of safety.
Post Update: Several new products have been added.
Click here to view the most recent product lined up.
Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props
Tuesday, March 17

In ancient times, bloody battles that would shape future governments raged across Europe and Asia. A wide variety of arms were used, with new and more lethal arms emerging constantly. One constant throughout that period was a need for Medieval Armor to protect the soldiers in close quarters combat. Just think about it; there's nothing worse than having an opponent coming at you full bore with a huge authentic medieval sword while you're standing there with a blade and wearing essentially what amounts to casual wear. Serious protection was a must.
The period saw many different types of personal battle protection, but perhaps the most iconic of those come from the heavy plates worn by knights. Knights wore
real medieval armor that was restrictive, both in vision and in movement, but it offered maximum protection during close combat. While protecting the knight was paramount, the steel helmet, pauldrons, leggings, guantlets, and breastplates were surely designed to strike some fear into their opponents. Other armies of the time took a different approach with lighter, but more mobile options using just breastplates and helmets.
If you're a serious collector of equipment representing that of the old world, you can't just get by with a couple of Medieval swords. To truly step into the old times, you have to assemble your collection of Medieval armor. We have a great selection of breastplates, pauldrons, guantlets, cuirass, and mail that will help equip you for reenactments, show and tell, or a simple collection. Don't be that guy standing on the battlefield with nothing more than a cotton shirt and a grin; go full bore and get yourself equipped right.
Click here to view more from our store.
Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props
Friday, March 6

It's been awhile since we've talked about them, but did you know that almost the entire line of Lord of the Rings Swords is once again available? For quite awhile, the full line of United Cutlery's officially licensed LOTR equipment wasn't available due to some financial turbulence within United, but last year, we started to see a resurgence; today, nearly all of the original United LOTR gear is available.
I'm a bit partial to the LOTR series because I love New Zealand (it really is a neat place) and because my friend and I bumped into some of the crew and Rivendell sets while hiking around Kaitoke Park...a small park outside of Wellington, NZ. It's a small thing, yes, but you know it's cool to be able to bring you a small piece of the movie through our great selection of
authentic Lord of the Rings Swords! It's hard to find well-built, beautiful, officially licensed replica movie swords, but United really pulled it together with this great line of blades.
We got The Hobbit coming to us in 2012, with filming scheduled to begin sometime in 2010. That means we're almost certainly going to see even more great looking movie prop replicas emerged once the film does. In the meantime, get yourself back into Middle Earth and grab yourself some of our great looking Lord of the Rings Swords to tide you over!
Post Update: Hobbit Swords will be releasing Oct 2012.
Click here to view the entire selection.
Your source for: Swords - Armor - Movie Props
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"I got the Sword of Eragon in super perfect order."
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